Every person needs a little assistance when it comes to the payment of bills. People averagely spend $600 per annum on late fees, bearing in mind that payment history is the essential element for a credit rating. Bills consolidation is one of the most effective methods of managing bills.
At Encompass Recovery Group, we assist our clients in combining several bills into one payment; hence our clients only have a single bill to deal with. We help our clients to organize and manage their bills and keep their finances in order.
Consolidation Loans and Combined Balances
There are two approaches used in bill consolidation. First, clients who have outstanding debts deal on varying accounts can be left with a single debt balance to manage by taking out some debt consolidation loan. Alternatively, we are willing to lump several overdue bills into one balance, in which the account holder can make the payment. There are many different circumstances in which statement consolidation is a great idea.
Credit Card and Other Debt Consolidation
Credit and store card bills are among the most common bills to consolidate. Individuals frequently get debt consolidation loans and combine their entire credit card bills into a single loan or payment. Encompass Recovery Group offers you the option of having a single payment that is lower than the outstanding credit card bills. This is a better option instead of worrying about many credit card bills due at different periods of the month. Rather than loans, many individuals combine their outstanding debts by executing a credit card transfer to a new card. Consolidation of bills such as credit cards is a common option of taking control of debts as you may be subject to long pay-off periods and flexible interest rates.
Consolidation of Overdue Bills
If you are behind in the payment of non-debt-related bill balances like your internet services or other utilities, Encompass Recovery Group offers you the choice to consolidate them.
As most utilities and various companies are restricted in how the companies can conduct their fund’s recovery, they are in most cases ready to adjust how the bills can be repaid. At times, other companies and utilities may combine your outstanding bills and you only pay monthly.
The companies may minimize the overall balance owed to them as they hope to recoup some of the money. This will be based on your financial position. At Encompass Recovery Group, we can facilitate the setting of such an arrangement.
Consolidation of Unenforced Court Judgment
A court judgment may be issued against you, requiring you to make some huge payment. Judgment linked to divorce is a good example where you may be required to pay your former spouse some money. A financial judgment may also be issued against you due to civil matters.
In case the court has not ordered a repayment directive, like wage garnishment, Encompass Recovery Group will enable you to combine all the judgment figures issued against you into a single payment.
This facilitates a more manageable repayment of court judgments. You only require permission from the other party to undertake this payment option. However, changing your payment option for a court ruling may need court action. Therefore, it is essential to consult your lawyer or legal adviser before you make any changes relating to a regular payment.
Bills that cannot be Consolidated
Combining all bills may be an appropriate tool in dealing with payments and bills that are out of control; it may however not be applicable in all situations. For instance, if you do not have sufficient credit to obtain financing, debt consolidation may not apply to you. Additionally, utilities and creditors are not always willing to allow you to consolidate overdue payments and past bills.
Finally, there are many types of debts, bills, and payments that cannot be consolidated. For instance, in most cases, you are not permitted to consolidate overdue rent. There are also many types of common debts, like mortgages and car loans that cannot be consolidated. These payment types may require another way to address other than consolidation.
Consolidate Your Bills Now
At Encompass Recovery Group, we offer the best services in the consolidation of bills. Our company is highly ranked by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) in terms of service delivery. You do not have to strain yourself with many bills. We will facilitate the creation of a single payer bill that is simple to deal with and manage. Contact us today for more information, and let us be part of your financial solution.